Meal Plan Sept. 25-October 1

Hi there; I'm so excited to share my meal plan for the week! Last week Nick was out of town on a hunting trip. That left Huckman and I to fend for ourselves. We traveled to Indy, had Indy come to us, and ended up having daddy come home early (with strep 😷). I tried hard to follow my meal plan but cooking and chasing a 9 month old are two things that don't always go hand in hand. Things around here have finally calmed down and we seem to be in a pretty good routine with school, work, and daycare. 

I'm nearing the end of marathon training (3 more weekend long runs---eek!) Usually on long run days I take little "breaks" from clean eating to replenish my calories (and also just because I love donuts). But I've noticed these last few weeks that my body just isn't performing like it should be. I think know it's a result of veering off of my meal plan (hello chocolate in the office/treat Fridays/etc...😳) So for the next few weeks I'm STICKING TO THE PLAN. Hopefully you find this one helpful and use it to have a healthy and happy week! :) 
