June 12-18 Meal Plan

I'm backkkkk!!! 

What a whirlwind the last week and a half has been! I've said goodbye to a great group of students, enjoyed the hubby's birthday, cared for an injured child, watched my man-child brother graduate, celebrated the wedding of a best friend, worried about my sick fur baby, and visited Indy friends and family. It's been a stressful, yet wonderful start to the summer.

I'd say I've done a pretty good job keeping my eating in line the last week and a half but if I'm being honest, I haven't been 100% on point (hellllllo giant jar of peanut butter filled pretzels and Indy brewed craft beers....) 

The good news is that because this is a LIFESTYLE, not a diet or fad, I'm making good choices MOST of the time. This week, I've had my fair share of treats, but when it comes down to it, I just don't want the same foods I used to. I'm finding its easy easier to trade fries for salad or candy for fruit. Because I make healthy choices 90% of the time, when I do have the occasional treat, I don't feel guilty like I used to after eating. I have struggled with weight and food issues for as long as I can remember. I can't describe how amazing it feels to just be able to ENJOY good food and good company and feel confident and happy after eating, rather than worried and guilty. 

Nick and I are heading home this afternoon, and while I am sad to leave my family and Indy frands, I am looking forward to getting back into a "normal" routine, especially concerning my meals! You'll find me browsing the aisles of Aldi this evening so that I can be prepped and ready for my first week of summer in St. Charles! 

Have a happy and healthy week! See ya at the pool!!! :) 
