May 29-June 4 Meal Plan

This weekend was rough to say the least. The first part of the weekend was great. We enjoyed the lake house with friends and family and celebrated Nick's birthday with not one, but two cakes (it's called balance people... :) Sunday things took a turn for the worse. 

We were giving Huckman a bath in the sink and he kicked the cold water faucet off. He started screaming and we immediately yanked him out of the water. Unfortunately, we weren't fast enough and he suffered some second degree burns on this legs and groin area. We rushed him to E.R. at the nearest hospital and ended up having to stay overnight there. He was hooked up to an IV and spent a restless night on my chest (I definitely wasn't letting him go). 

Watching your baby suffer is excruciating. Huck has been so brave, but I can tell he is uncomfortable and in pain. Through it all, I just keep thinking how fortunate we are that he IS going to be just fine. My heart and prayers go out to any parent who's child is sick or injured. 

That being said, I was able to meal plan (thank goodness I had the plan done last week). I'm sorry it's a few days late, but hopefully you still find it helpful. I am so glad I have this done and it's one less thing to worry about while I help my baby heal. Also, thank you to my mama for driving up to help so I can shop and plan! Have a healthy and happy week! 
