May 22-29 Meal Plan

This week is going to be INSANE. First of all, it's the last week of school which means I will be exhausted. Second, I have some meeting, party, event etc. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I am going to have to stay strong and really focus on sticking to my plan this week! Third (and most importantly), Nick's 29th birthday is this weekend!!! To celebrate, we are going to be spending the weekend with family and friends at the lake so meal planning and prep just won't be an option for us this weekend. I AM going to make sure I bring healthy snacks and my shakeology. I'll be watching my intake and portion sizes and TRYING to stay on track as best I can. One thing that I LOVE about this program is that it has really changed my LIFESTYLE. It's ok if I'm not perfect (life isn't perfect) but I will make healthier choices. 

If you need ideas or help customizing your plan to include the weekend, please reach out to me! I would LOVE to help you create a weekend plan so you can stay on track. 

Enjoy a happy and healthy week friends! :) 
