Crock pot salsa chicken

I literally can't think of an easier meal than this (maybe P.B.&J?!) This chicken is so easy, you won't believe how tasty it is. I made a little extra so I could prep about 6-7 days worth of lunches. And you could always make extra and freeze the left overs. 

Start by layering your chicken breasts on the bottom of the crock pot. (If you don't have these handy covers for your crock pot I highly recommend them; they make clean up so easy!) Cover chicken breasts with salsa. I used Frontera because it had the least amount of sugar (<2 gram per serving!!!) Because I was prepping for about 6-7 days worth of lunches, I used 3 purple containers of salsa (about 1 1/2 jars). Make sure the chicken is completely covered. 
Cook those bad boys for about 4 hours on low heat.  
After about 4 hours on low, remove chicken breasts and shred chicken. Then put chicken back in the crock pot and cook on low for another 30 minutes (at least). At this point, you could really spice things up and add peppers, onions, or hot sauce if you wanted; the sky's the limit! 

Let chicken cool and ration into containers for meal prep or eat your fill and freeze the rest! Then, sit back and watch your husband put together your new patio set. No?! Just me...? :) 

Crock Pot Salsa Chicken

servings: 6-7

  • 11/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts 
  • 2 jars salsa 

1. Layer  chicken breasts on the bottom of the crock pot
2. Add 3 purple containers (about 3 cups) salsa to cover chicken. 
3. Cover and cook on low for 4 hours. 
4. Remove and shred chicken, 
5. Return chicken to crock pot and cook on low for at least an additional 30 minutes. 

21 day fix container counts: 
(1 serving)
1 Red 
1/2 Purple
